An authoring tool provided by Kolor to edit videos taken simultaneously with 6 GoPros into a single 360-degree videoAutopano Video ProI will use it. This page explains how to create basic 360-degree videos using Autopano Video.
After starting Autopano Video, select 6 video files shot at the same time and drag and drop them.
When you press the “Synchronization” button, a screen like the one below (pictured) will appear. The six videos are synchronized depending on either “Audio (sound)” or “Motion (motion)”. When the sync position is successfully detected, “Accurate Synchronization Found.” is displayed, and the sync position is reflected by pressing the Apply button.
Then press the “Stitch” button and a screen like the one below (pictured) will appear. This time, in order to synthesize Gopro (stitch processing), select “GoPro Hero 3+/ 4” from Stich As and press “Stitch”. Once the stitching process is completed, the composite image is displayed on the right side of the screen. If you press “Edit” at the bottom left of the image, Autopano Giga will start, and you will be able to perform horizontal adjustments, brightness adjustments, etc.
If you click “Edit” in the newly opened window (left in the photo), a new screen will be displayed again. You can adjust the horizontal state by clicking the icon composed of 4 arrows and dragging the image.
Using the grid line as a guide, move the image while dragging so that the horizon, buildings, etc. are horizontal and vertical. After visual leveling is complete, this window closes. When you close it, you'll be asked if you want to save the file, so save the file with any name.
Confirm that the horizontal adjustments are reflected, then click the “Render” button (the button circled in yellow square). After setting the desired width and height in the Render window, press “Render” to begin rendering.
The editing time varies depending on the length of the video itself and the resolution set in the Render window. If it's about 1 to 2 minutes, I think it's a good idea to wait less than 5 minutes, and if it's 7 to 8 minutes, I think it's a good idea to wait less than 30 minutes. (The time required depends on PC specs)