Focusing on the “future image” of sustainable and resilient development of cities, we will build a future city information infrastructure that operates in a backcast direction starting from a “future image” created/edited/shared by diverse people in a virtual space, and in particular, we will conduct wide-area demonstrations in the southern Shonan region of Kanagawa prefecture in terms of environment and disaster prevention.
By orchestrating urban cyber physical systems, we will effectively utilize the Beyond 5G network, link cyber and physical, operate cooperatively between disparate systems, and create basic technology that generates, distributes, and presents super-resolution information that contributes to human behavior change in real time and adaptively.

Project Research Outline
Project Name
Beyond 5G Research and Development Promotion Project (Adoption No. 05401 (Function Realization Program General Assignment))
Beyond 5G Research and Development Promotion Project (Adoption No. 05401 (Function Realization Program General Assignment))
Research project name
ShonanFutureVerse: Super-resolution backcasting CPS platform based on a virtual city future image
Research period
1.5 years from 2022 to 2023
Research system
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Co., Ltd. (Representative Proposer), Keio University Corporation, Kyoto University Corporation, National University Corporation The University of Tokyo, iTransport Lab Co., Ltd., Kadinche Co., Ltd., Zenrin Datacom Co., Ltd.
Research and development items and responsibilities
Kadincheʼs Research Topics
Virtual Future City Creation Technology: Integration of 3D city data with various simulation data
Our research and development item in this project is virtual future city creation technology. We use this as 3D city data
We are working on research and development using XR technology. These technologies are smart, such as digital twins and metaverses
It is mainly used for visualization and simulation to achieve tosity. Specific examples are given below, but our company
We are working on the development of prototypes that can be experienced in 3D and from a first-person perspective (VR: virtual reality) by utilizing smart city-related data such as 3D city data, traffic volume simulations, human flow simulations, and flooding simulations.

Virtual Future City Creation Technology: City-Scale Mixed Reality (MR) Technology
In addition, we are developing systems using mixed reality (MR: mixed reality) technology to visualize the positive future state “killer verse” of the city and the negative future state “yabberth” in real space. We are also working on research and development of MR systems that go beyond the MR conversion of indoor narrow spaces that have already been realized, target outdoor wide-area spaces, and can also be used not only by walking users, but also by users riding on mobile vehicles.

Main external announcements
■Soko Aoki, Naoki Itabashi, Ripandy Adha, Shinichi Sameshima, Yuki Kinoshita, Takeo Kotoku, “Mixed Reality Guided Museum Tour: Digital Visits of Museum Experience” IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR) 2023 [Poster Session]
■Soko Aoki, Yuki Kinoshita “Digital Twin Design for Realizing Future Real Cities” Information Processing Society Research Report Advanced Transportation Systems and Smart Communities (ITS) 2023-ITS-93
■Soko Aoki, Taisei Mochizuki, Yuki Kinoshita “Exploring User Interface: Examination of 3D Visualization Methods for Human-Space Interactions” Information Processing Society Research Report Entertainment Computing (EC) 2024-EC-72
Project Site
- ・Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Co. (Representative Proposer)
- ・Keio University
- ・Kyoto University
- ・Tokyo University
- ・I Transport Lab Co., Ltd.
- ・Zenrin Datacom Co., Ltd.